aka marrow

25 / USA /♈

born in aries season of 1999 at the tender age of zero, on the brink of the greatest era of technology, marrow always knew they wanted to spend a lot of time on the computer...AND SO THEY DID!
escaping into online games like stardoll and neopets on their parent's laptops throughout elementary school and receiving their first PC at the age of 9 as a gift, they grew up in the golden age of the internet between the mid 2000s and mid 2010s before everything was completely ravaged by the vicious, gluttonous beasts of what we know as the internet and social media today. despite the flashy sleekness and over-accessibility of everything and everyone around us and beyond, marrow has come to resent today's internet culture and yearns for the days of endless customizability and personalization, when the internet represented freedom and possibility. in the interest of not sounding like a senile curmudgeon, however, marrow prefers to attribute their love for the "look and feel" of the old web to simple nostalgia or escapism.
this is only partially true.
or at least, that's what this page represents to them (me).
occupation: healthcare administration, artist & graphic designer
hobbies: painting, metal, video games, coding, graphic design, anime, being indoors
fav food & bevs : griled eel, caesar salad, coffee, trader joe's ube cookies, pandan milk tea, banh mi, melon soda
languages spoken: English, Spanish, Japanese (learning)
languages i want to learn: German, Norwegian, Russian, Vietnamese
favorite movie: Santa Sangre (1989) dir. Alejandro Jodorowsky
favorite bands: Dir En Grey, Candlemass, Bathory, Sabbat, Sepultura